Wednesday, September 19, 2007

never let me go.

Dreamcatcher by Larafairie. DeviantArt.

You've probably read this in my blog before but I need to spread this message. And I'm so damn addicted to this passage from Shakespeare:

There is a tide in the affairs of men,
Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life,
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat;
And we must take the current when it serves or lose our venture.
-- William Shakespeare, "Julius Caesar", Act 4 scene 3

I think that this quote means that opportunities arise in our lives. And if we take an opportunity sometimes, it can lead us to something good, something that benefits us in the end. If ever there are no opportunities in life, we would live life in much misery and mundanity, without a challenge and force that pushes us to be better. However, if we take an opportunity when it comes, we will be rewarded and if we don't, we'll lose yet another opportunity to open our minds to the vast promises of the world.

When opportunity comes knocking, we have to embrace it and hope - hope for a possibility to gain an experience, to have a laugh, to love and be loved but most of all, to live. Opportunities come for a reason, as would every action. Reason to which we should all know. Opportunities lay barren and untouched for only the hopefuls and faithfuls will reach out to. An opportunity taken is a belief born.

Now is the time for us to take an opportunity - to throw ourselves into the vast possibilities beyond words can take us. Now is the time for us to learn to live. Living every dream from a fool's paradise with complete efforts and hopefully triumph above it all. Now is the time for us to love and be loved, of which none can be more sacred and pure. Love keeps us grounded but really, love is an opportunity taken, appreciated, unwavering and unconditional.

This is your now.

Take a leap of faith or lose it.


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