This is the day we shall all stand up to sing our national anthem.
Or not.
Whatever man.
Hmm..I haven't got anything better to say but I guess we should be a little patriotic on this historical day, huh?
For one thing, my friends came over to kk. Jo came back all of a sudden and we went to mamak. Budget. Limau ais for life! Like seriously. Anyway then we went round kk because we were kinda lost. Yes, it's my kampung but I don't remember the way around much. I'm lousy when it comes to directions. I swear to God I can never remember a single thing about roads unless it's a damn road test.
Then finally we decided to go to the lakeside. We walked. Like our grandfather's road. Anyone's been to kk will know of the HUGE lakeside they have there and how you're voluntarily feeding mosquitoes when you're there. But it's really pretty and serene at night. I mean, all you see is this calm, black sheet of water. Pretty damn awesome if you ask me.
Then we went to the playground (!). Kinda fun although we're a little too old for it. These people make me laugh out loud. Then while walking back, we walked in a whole row. Like gangster somebody said. Hahahaha! Then out of nowhere, these gang of rempit wannabes on their puny little bicycles came cutting across our line. So potong stim! They're like kids and hello? They're acting like gangsta-rapper-rempit whatevers?
Damn boy, you gotta go get a life and ride the see-saws.
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